Parents' Night Out
In response to WFM parents asking for more opportunities to connect with others within the school, the Foundation is prioritizing efforts around parents-only events. We are designing a series of "Parents' Night Out" (PNO) to build community within the school by bringing parents and guardians together to socialize, connect, and cultivate supportive relationships among one another.
As part of these efforts, we plan to incorporate the fundraising and parent aspects of the WSF by coupling PNO events with specific WSF initiatives for both the lower and upper campuses.
What better way to provide and support amazing events for our children than by bringing together a group of interesting, intelligent, and unique parents for some adults-only socialization?!
We know that raising children takes a village, so let's build our WFM village together!
Please keep your eyes out for emails regarding our upcoming events Or click here to view upcoming events.
Do you have ideas for future parent events? Great! Click here to becoming a WSF member and join in on the action.
In the future we also hope to coordinate childcare. Believe us, we're working on it!