WSF Annual Report



Willy Wonka Recap

It’s unbelievable that the school year is over!  The last few months have been a bit of a whirlwind for the Foundation. Between the musical and the Gala, we have closed the school year out with a bang and now have a minute to breathe and give you a brief recap.

The Willy Wonka shows were a huge success!  The hard work put in by all of the students, staff, teachers, and parents was on full display and did not disappoint! We were thrilled to have Mayor Fulop attended the first show and Councilwoman Candice Osborne at the second. Other than a hiccup with the theater’s speaker in the first show, everything went off without a hitch. The show was the culmination of the weeks and weeks of hard work and that all came through in the amazing sets, props, and performances. 

Additionally, the Foundation's efforts towards the musical were on display in the theater. We loved seeing everyone in their purple Wonka shirts, kids wearing glow sticks and eating Wonka bars. It was so exciting to see two Lower Elementary students and their families win the Wonka basket raffles! We had a blast putting it all together. Thanks for all of your support! 

Note: Some of you have asked when the performance video will be available for viewing. The musical is filmed each year by Waterfront Montessori and they control the release date, typically the video is released in July. As soon as we know more we will let you know! 

The Annual Spring Musical is brought to you by Waterfront Montessori, Waterfront School Foundation works to offset production related costs to support the educational enrichment of Waterfront Montessori students and the surrounding community. 

Musical: Show Day Volunteer Sign-Up!

Musical: Show Day Volunteers Needed

We are looking for volunteers to help with ticket sales, concession, programs, and act as ushers on the day of the show Sunday April 30, 2017 (you will still be able to watch the show). Please sign up below for the time slot that you are available. We appreciate all your help and support!

Parents' Night Out / Willy Wonka Jr. Kick Off Event

Sharing a laugh with Ms. Cristina

Sharing a laugh with Ms. Cristina

On April 6th, the Foundation partnered with our beloved Ms. Cristina to plan the very first musical kick-off party. The Wine, Cheese, and Chocolate parent-only event also served as the Foundation's first Parents' Night Out (PNO).  This event aimed to inform the parents about the upcoming musical as well as the broader music program in both the upper and lower campuses, while providing the space and opportunity for parents to socialize and get to know one another.  It also served as a fundraiser to support the musical costs.  The kick-off party succeeded on all levels!

Parents and teachers sipped wine and indulged in chocolates that were graciously donated by a few of our amazing parents while also nibbling on delicious cheese platters which were donated by our local cheese shop, Van Hook Cheese and Grocery (if you haven't been here yet, check it out.  The cheeses were amazing and we love to support local small businesses that support our children!). The room was outfitted in various Willy Wonka Jr. props including chocolate bars, Wonka's purple coat, and the impressive gates to Wonka's factory created by our talented WFM teachers.  

Ms. Cristina and Jenn Prichard welcoming the parents

Ms. Cristina and Jenn Prichard welcoming the parents

Ms. Cristina gave a brief presentation which included clips from the lower campus's Nutcracker performances, the newly formed upper campus orchestra, and the upper campus's grade-level musical concerts, which featured original songs written by the students as well as their own impressive dance moves.  Ms. Cristina also presented a video of well wishes from the Broadway cast of The Lion King made for last year's Lion King Jr. cast - it was quite impressive to see Broadway's Simba telling our children to "break a leg"!

As the event also served as a fundraiser, the Foundation sold Willy Wonka Jr. rehearsal music CDs and Willy Wonka t-shirts in addition to the tickets which were purchased for the PNO event.  Through these efforts and additional donations, we have raised $1,700 towards our goal of $10,000 to bring this incredible arts and education enrichment experience to our youth (and the surrounding community) each year. If you haven't yet donated or would like to learn more, we are always happy to talk shop anytime and welcome your questions and thoughts.

Our kick-off party brought together parents from both campuses. We had multiple teachers and staff members in attendance, showing their support for the musical and WSF.  Everyone was eager to get involved.  And that is the biggest success of all!

Lower School Education event: Turtle Back Zoo


The Turtle Back Zoo Outreach Program was on premises of the Waterfront Montessori Lower Campus on March 16th to do presentations on Animal Habitats to all primary and toddler classes. The primary classes recently completed a module about animal habitats and this talk enhanced their learning experience.

Each class learned about how every wild habitat supplies its inhabitants with what they need to survive but how it also presents challenges that must be addressed. The students met a few of the animal ambassadors and discovered how their habitats provide basic needs, but also how environmental challenges are managed. 

The zoo brought along Giant African Millipedes which the children were allowed to touch. They felt how the exterior shell of the Millipedes was similar to their nail cuticles. The next animal, the colorful Cornsnake fascinated children who found some heart shaped patterns on its skin. Instead of the snake, the children were able to touch two different types of snake skins.

Screech Owl

Screech Owl

The domestic rabbit was the last animal and each child got the opportunity to pet the soft furry animal. Children were very gentle and delicate when petting, many commenting on the beautiful eyes of the rabbit. 

Giant African Millipede

Giant African Millipede

Keeping their voices low, the children excitedly watched as outreach coordinators brought out a Screech Owl. Everyone was surprised to learn that the owl's ears are not in its tufts as expected, but rather located asymmetrically on the side of its head. Children got to touch discarded owl feathers and examined a picture showcasing how the owl camouflages against tree bark.

Domestic Rabbit

Domestic Rabbit

The zoo visit went well and the children left the presentation excited about sharing their experiences at home, so I'm sure you heard all about millipedes, owls and rabbits at dinner that night. 

Annual Members Meeting Recap

The Waterfront School Foundation held an official Member's Meeting on Monday, March 6th at 6:30 p.m. at the Upper Campus Multipurpose Room, here's the recap.

Member's Meeting Recap

March 15, 2017

The Waterfront School Foundation held an official Member's Meeting last week on Monday, March 6th at the Upper Campus Multipurpose Room. We were welcomed by Founder and Co-Head of School, Karen Westman and Director of Marketing & Advancement (and active WSF Board Member) Joanna Camburn. During our time together we discussed the current change over in leadership as long-standing Board President Tricia Collins, after 3 years of service decided to take a much-needed break (but she promises she'll be back in the fold soon and we're holding her to that!). Tricia's imprint on WSF is great and we are thankful for her time and dedication. 

Below please find a link to the presentation shared during the meeting - it was our best attempt at explaining the current Reorganization and Strategic Planning Phase we have entered and the new leadership team behind the work. Our goal is to execute on existing initiatives for this school year (namely the upcoming Musical and Spring Gala) while concurrently building organizational capacity for the future (i.e., setting up the infrastructure for growth in impact and involvement -- policies & procedures, communications & outreach strategies, budgets & benchmarks etc.). 

We sought feedback from our membership guests (thank you to those who were able to attend in person!). And we will continue to seek your guidance as we move through the process. In the meantime, review the presentation and please let us know your thoughts.
Thank you for reading and reviewing. I look forward to working together over the coming months (and I know my teammates do as well). If you are ready to jump in now, then here's your chance:

Upcoming Impact Opportunities:
  • Musical Help (click here to sign up). Board Member Jenn Prichard is chairing the Musical Committee this year and she's looking to build her team to support all things Willy Wonka. If you're dreaming of lollipops or have already memorized all the lyrics to Willy Wonka Jr. as you sing along with your kids, then you need to just go ahead and sign up. Because who doesn't like building giant chocolate bars and painting gumdrop backgrounds.
  • Spring Gala Planning (click here to express interest). Board Member Jeannie Koehler (yup the wonderful creator of the Spring Break Calendar) and Vice President Fiona Ching are chairing the Gala Committee. More to come on this as we ramp up post Spring Break. If you like event design, seeking auction items and sponsorship support or planning a great party, then now's your chance to jump in during the pre-planning.
  • WFM New Family Ambassadors Program (click here to express interest) Help us welcome new families into the WFM community. More to come, express interest in learning more by clicking on the link.
In Appreciation,
Ashley Faison
(Parent to Adeline, P2)
Interim WSF President

P.S. I love coffee and I'd love to grab a cup with you if you'd like to learn more about what we're trying to accomplish with WSF!

Our mission is to support the educational experience of Waterfront Montessori students, promote parental involvement in the Waterfront Montessori community and foster a relationship between Waterfront Montessori and the wider community.


Holiday Giving


Season’s Greetings WFM Parents,

We are indeed a generous and giving community!
The Food and Supplies Drive to the York Street Project was a huge success. WFM Middle School students delivered the supplies earlier this week. The York Street Project staff were overwhelmed and expressed heartfelt thanks to our parents! They want to pass the message to you, that your donations made ‘a very big difference in the lives of our children and their families’.
Thank you also for your contributions to the Waterfront Montessori Teacher and Staff holiday gifts. We had so many families participate this year and were thus able to give each of the over 50 staff and teachers, a $65 Amazon gift certificate.  Lastly, through previously-raised funds, the Foundation was able to, on your behalf, provide a lovely luncheon, catered by Loradella's, which the teachers and staff thoroughly enjoyed.
Thanks again for your support. Have a happy and restful Holiday and winter break!