Valentine's Day 2018
Je t’aime
Te amo
I love you
Valentine’s Day 2018 started off with a sweet treat for our school community!
We had a blast passing out nearly 300 homemade, heart shaped, pink frosted cookies to WFM families, staff, and teachers! We had hoped to put some smiles on kids faces and celebrate this fun holiday! Although, we think, some of our youngest volunteers may have had the best time of all, acting as cookie messengers to their school friends! There were some heart melting hugs between friends that left a smile on OUR faces for the rest of the day! Oh Valentine’s Day, why do you come but once a year?
We also hope that parents have had an opportunity to read the accompanying flyers that highlighted our upcoming initiatives “EAT. READ. SHOP.”. Please help us raise funds for this year’s Middle School Field Trip and expand WFM’s library and fulfill teacher’s wish lists. Plus, you get to EAT READ and SHOP, what could be better?