WSF Annual Holiday Luncheon


Today, WSF welcomed all WFM faculty and staff to enjoy a delicious hot Italian lunch, with a side of holiday cheer! This annual event was held in the new art room which proved to be a lovely space for a family-style dining table outfitted with fresh holiday greens from our local community partner, Bouquets & Baskets

Teachers and staff were presented their Amazon gift cards, purchased through your generous donations to our appreciation drive. All were overwhelmed with gratitude and offered many thanks to WFM parents. Additionally, we held a holiday chance contest for one lucky person to win a $100 gift card to Key Foods.  Our winner was Ms. Cristina – we can all agree that she certainly deserves it after her hard work on the Nutcracker performances! It was a pleasure to see everyone slow down, even if for only a few minutes, to enjoy conversation with colleagues and friends – all while wearing their sparkly attire! On behalf of all WFM parents, WSF extends a special thank you to our amazing teachers and staff who work tirelessly in shaping our children.  We hope you each have the happiest of holidays!  


5th Annual Food & Supply Drive


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