Membership Information Form Family Last Name * Parent 1 Name * First Name Last Name Parent 1 Email Address * Parent 1 Phone Number * (###) ### #### Parent 2 Name First Name Last Name Parent 2 Email Address Parent 2 Phone Number (###) ### #### WFM Status * Current Family Incoming Family Alumni Family Child 1 Name * Child 1 Class * Toddler Primary Lower Elementary Upper Elementary Middle School Alumni Child 2 Name Child 2 Class Toddler Primary Lower Elementary Upper Elementary Middle School Alumni Child 3 Name Child 3 Class Toddler Primary Lower Elementary Upper Elementary Middle School Alumni Photo Release * I give my permission to use photos of me and family taken at Waterfront School Foundation events for the Foundation's website, newsletters, and other marketing materials. Yes No Members Only Facebook Group We have a Facebook Member's Only Group that we use to communicate and share information with our membership. If you would like to be invited, please provide your Facebook email. I am a WFM Staff Member. Please check the box below if you are a Waterfront Montessori Staff Member. Yes Thank you for submitting your membership Information! We are excited to have you onboard.